This week, I just released my first limited edition resin figure ever! Introducing Robbie the Runt! Only 25 were made and each one is hand-painted, making each one unique. He is now available in the shop!
November 23, 2015
November 3, 2015
October 7, 2015
Limited Edition Break-Up Letter Plush
I made one break-up version of the love letter plush over the weekend. There's currently only one available and I'm not sure how many of these will ultimately be made.
October 3, 2015
New Hats in the Shop This Week!
I just added a few new hats to the shop this week. They're all knitted up and ready to be shipped. Just check out the Knits section of the shop!
September 27, 2015
September 5, 2015
The Knit Shop is Open!
I've been revamping my knit shop. I decided to ditch the Quiet Tiger name and now my knitwear is currently going under the name: Knits by nellie le. I've added a few new styles I've been working on for Fall. I still have a bit more figuring out to do with where I'm going with my knits, but in the meantime you can shop here.
September 3, 2015
New Mixtape Buttons + End Of Summer Pop-Up
I've been having a little too much fun with our new button maker. I'll pretty much come up with any excuse to make new buttons. While designing some hangtags for the mixtape plushes, I made two cute little mixtape illustrations that I decided to make into buttons. They're available in the shop!
Also, if you're local to the LA area, I will vending at an End Of Summer Pop-Up this Sunday Sept. 6th 11am–4pm at Spirit House in Monterey Park. There will be three local bands playing and the bar & kitchen will be open during the event, so you can grab some grub & drinks. Come hang out and support some local artists!
Also, if you're local to the LA area, I will vending at an End Of Summer Pop-Up this Sunday Sept. 6th 11am–4pm at Spirit House in Monterey Park. There will be three local bands playing and the bar & kitchen will be open during the event, so you can grab some grub & drinks. Come hang out and support some local artists!
August 28, 2015
New Mixtape Plushes!
Just added these two to the shop! Check them out!
There's also a sale going on right now! Get 25% Off all Orders with code: HOTHOTHEAT
There's also a sale going on right now! Get 25% Off all Orders with code: HOTHOTHEAT
August 23, 2015
New in the Shop this Week
As I sell through the remaining 1in. Real Job Buttons, I'm releasing the new 1.5in version of them. Not only are they bigger, but they got a bit of a facelift too. The first two to be released are: Marathon Napper & Pillow Fort Architect. You can get them now in the shop!
August 10, 2015
Sad Songs Mixtape Plush
I've been working on my first plush toy ever. The basic model is just a sad little mixtape, but I'm planning on having some one-of-a-kind versions that will be exclusively available at Designer Con. I've been trying out different sizes, and made one of the prototypes available in the shop. I'll be announcing the final version soon.
August 4, 2015
Meet Robbie the Runt! (and a mini update)
I've been a little busy with freelance stuff because…hey, I need to make money to pay bills too! I've also been interning with Amanda Visell, whose work I absolutely love! I've been learning a lot from her and Michelle Valigura, and they're sorta mentoring me too. They're starting to put some pressure on me to get my DesignerCon stuff done (there might be some resin casting in my future); So I'm starting to stress a little. I haven't really been spending much time drawing and painting lately because of everything that's going on, but I finally had a little bit of time last night to do a bit of drawing. I drew this cute little dude and I'm a little obsessed with him.
I'm so obsessed with him that he's currently my profile pic for a few of my social media accounts. AND he's also available in the shop as a button!
July 30, 2015
Lucky Little Friend
I've been working on adding plush to my current offerings in the shop. I've been brainstorming things to make for DesignerCon in November and plush toys were an obvious choice. I've always wanted to make my own plushes, but was afraid of getting started. I recently got a new sewing machine as a way to motivate myself to experiment and try new things. I made this little guy a couple of days ago and just added him to the shop. There's currently only one available and you can get him here in the shop.
July 27, 2015
Etsy Shop Merger
I recently had the Quiet Tiger etsy shop name changed. It has gone through a lot of name changes since it opened in 2006, but the latest change is the final one. I'm getting ready to retire my knitting needles for good this year, but I don't want to lose all the people who have followed my shop over the years. I also didn't like managing multiple etsy shops. My print shop on etsy doesn't do all that well in comparison to the Quiet Tiger etsy shop or my official shop that runs on Shopify. I wanted a way to combine all my existing etsy shops into one. So that's why I chose to change the name to By Nellie Le. I think it's a good transitional name but also gives it flexibility to carry products that don't exactly fit within my illustration world. From today on, this is the best place to find me on etsy.
July 21, 2015
New in the Shop: Skip Loves Skip-It Print
My piece for the Wonderland Art for Animals show is now available as a print in the shop! The original is also still available through Leanna Lin's Wonderland.
July 14, 2015
New in the Shop: Sole Mates Button
I've slowly been putting our new button maker to use. I'm starting to revisit some of my previous images to see what can now work in the 1.5in format. I just added this little guy to the shop today.
July 12, 2015
July 11, 2015
Weekly Want: BAGGU Splotch Duck Bag
I already own three BAGGU Duck Bags in Cobalt, Neon Yellow, and the ALL Knitwear collaboration. But I recently discovered that they released this blue & pink Splotch pattern and I'm in love. Do I really need another Duck Bag? No. But do I want it? YES. A thousand times YES. The Duck Bag is a great daily bag at a great price to boot! Just $26! It's perfect for carrying around all the essentials and there's still room for the days when I want to tote around my sketchbook and art supplies.
Available through BAGGU.
July 10, 2015
Co-LAb Gallery Now Has An Online Shop!
A little over a month ago, the Spring Fling group show at Co-LAb Gallery opened. It's been such an honor to be a part of a fantastic show with other wonderful & amazing artists. A few weeks ago, Co-LAb launched their online shop. You can now get your hands on some of my originals from that show from their new online shop! (including the ones seen below) Of course, if you live in the LA area, you can stop in and see them in-person.
July 8, 2015
Skip Love Skip-it!
Here's a sneak peek of my piece for Wonderland Art for Animals opening July 18th at Leanna Lin's Wonderland. All net proceeds from the event will be donated to the North Central Animal Shelter.
July 4, 2015
Bigger & Better
We got our new button maker this week and I made a bigger version of the Lucky Cat button. I like this version a lot better than the 1inch version because the details look crisper. Also, I'm having a sale right now for 4th of July Weekend. Get 25% off all orders with code: HAPPY4TH
June 29, 2015
Button News!
Tonight, I cranked out some new buttons featuring my Lucky Cat! They're now available in the shop!
We (Kevin, actually) also just ordered a new button maker. We're upgrading to 1.5inch buttons! That means we can finally put more detailed images on buttons. All my previous designs that didn't make the cut (because they looked like crap on an 1inch button) now have a second chance. I'm just super excited about all the new possibilities that come with a bigger image surface. So stay tuned for more new stuff!
June 27, 2015
The Last of the Burger Prints
I'm discontinuing my Burger Dude prints. I have only two left! AND they're on sale for $5! You can get them here in the shop!
June 21, 2015
Little Black Dream Cat
I recently added this little guy to the shop. I'm starting to explore working in shapes instead of lines. Some of that is evident in my rough sketch for Wonderland Art for Animals.
If you want to give this guy a home, he's available in the shop.
June 20, 2015
I've been trying to think of what kind of piece I want to make for the upcoming Wonderland Art for Animals show next month at Leanna Lin's Wonderland. I sat down on Tuesday determined to at least start on something for the show. But I scribbled and scribbled and got absolutely nowhere. Everything I drew just wasn't doing it for me. So tonight, I thought to myself "What's going to make this piece feel like me?" And out came Skip-It! You know, that toy that could've been mistaken for a weapon if used the wrong way. My nostalgia for the 90s always finds some way to seep its way into my art and I have absolutely no problem with that! So here he is, a sketch of my piece tentatively called "Skip Skipping Skip-It".
Mini Update
Ok peeps, so those of your who have been following along have probably noticed I’ve been posting a lot of affordable originals lately. For lack of a better term, I’m spending this time trying to “figure my shit out”. I’ve been doing a bunch of smaller pieces to try to figure out my creative voice, but also to see what kind of images people respond to.
I haven’t really released any new prints yet this year and have only release maybe two greeting cards. I would like to make tote bags again and other objects, but I need some funds to make it happen. So hopefully, they’ll be available in August/early Fall.
Also, the only show I will be vending at this year is DesignerCon. I know, putting all my eggs in one basket isn’t a good idea. But we (Kevin & I) don’t feel strongly enough about any of the other local shows to fork over the booth fees. (for those of you who don’t know, vending at a convention or craft fair runs between $300–600 in fees)
But hey, if you know of any shows local to the LA area that you would like to see me at, let me know!
I haven’t really released any new prints yet this year and have only release maybe two greeting cards. I would like to make tote bags again and other objects, but I need some funds to make it happen. So hopefully, they’ll be available in August/early Fall.
Also, the only show I will be vending at this year is DesignerCon. I know, putting all my eggs in one basket isn’t a good idea. But we (Kevin & I) don’t feel strongly enough about any of the other local shows to fork over the booth fees. (for those of you who don’t know, vending at a convention or craft fair runs between $300–600 in fees)
But hey, if you know of any shows local to the LA area that you would like to see me at, let me know!
June 18, 2015
Wonderland Art for Animals
Mark your calendars, about a month from now is the Wonderland Art for Animals charity show at Leanna Lin’s Wonderland. It’s a cash & carry show, and 100% of the proceeds go to support the North Central Shelter. If you live in the area, get there early! Last year, I showed up maybe around 8 or 9pm and most of the pieces had sold and there wasn’t much left to look at. There’s more info on the Facebook event page.
May 30, 2015
Watermelon Cocktail
I just added this little dude to the shop yesterday. It's one-of-a-kind and will never be made into a print. Get it here!
May 15, 2015
Spring Fling at Co-LAb Gallery
Mark your calendars for May 30th! I'm one of the many artists in Co-LAb Gallery's Spring Fling group show!
May 6, 2015
May 2, 2015
Lucky Cat
I added this Lucky Cat mini painting to the shop yesterday and it was snatched up within 15 minutes. I'll be working on plenty more mini paintings for the shop, so keep an eye out! Also, follow along on Instagram if you want to know when new pieces are added.
April 29, 2015
Weekly Want: Tough Luck
I was super bummed when I heard the news of Falconwright closing shop. The ladies of FW cited that they were closing up to move on to new projects. A couple months have passed and Sandi Falconer has opened a new shop: Tough Luck. I was already a huge fan of Sandi’s work so naturally I would follow her to whatever new project she was starting. Tough Luck, so far, looks like a continuation of her personal stuff previously under the name Deadweight. But she’s added a few new pieces which I’m totally in love with!
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*images from Sandi Falconer/Tough Luck |
Studio Cleanup Sale!
I have a lot of small unframed pieces laying around my work space and they're now available in the shop. They're super affordable starting at $20, you might even find a few priced at $15. Head on over to the shop!
April 22, 2015
April 18, 2015
Greeting Card Clearance SALE!
I've been rethinking the greeting card section of my shop. My drawing style has changed a bit since I made the first few cards in the shop, so it's time to clear them out and start on some new cards. All the cards are currently 50% off with code: PENPAL. Head over to the shop!
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