(Shortly after uploading, I realized most of these pics look like crap. I'm sorry.)
I had to pick up some cute trays! Especially after seeing the one Twinkie Chan picked up a few days ago. I also picked up some envelopes and bags that I intend on using as packaging for my shop. I totally didn't need it but I couldn't resist the bear head tape measure. I don't even care that it's only in metric!
I picked up a $4.00 drawing mannequin for Kevin as my little way of telling him to work on his web comic. I've been going through a bit of an apron phase, so I had to pick up a $3.00 apron for myself. There were $1.50 ones but I didn't like the quality of them. I was a little bitter that I found popsicle molds for $1.50 AND they're in the shape that I want too. I recently bought this kinda fancy popsicle mold that makes twin pops…when all I really wanted was something simple. Another thing I totally didn't need: PANDA BEAR SPONGE PUFF. But whatevs, it's freaking cute!
I'm sorta going through a yellow phase and it just so happens that they last apple trash can they had was yellow. All the other ones were strawberries or some weird floral, but I loved the apples the best! And I can never have enough storage bins to keep all them supplies and tools organized.
This next item is by far the biggest score of the trip: BLACK CAT MUG!!!
Total damage on my wallet: $32
Now I call that a successful trip.