July 27, 2015

Etsy Shop Merger

I recently had the Quiet Tiger etsy shop name changed. It has gone through a lot of name changes since it opened in 2006, but the latest change is the final one. I'm getting ready to retire my knitting needles for good this year, but I don't want to lose all the people who have followed my shop over the years. I also didn't like managing multiple etsy shops. My print shop on etsy doesn't do all that well in comparison to the Quiet Tiger etsy shop or my official shop that runs on Shopify. I wanted a way to combine all my existing etsy shops into one. So that's why I chose to change the name to By Nellie Le. I think it's a good transitional name but also gives it flexibility to carry products that don't exactly fit within my illustration world. From today on, this is the best place to find me on etsy.

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