I recently cashed in some of my AMEX rewards points for a $50 Barnes & Noble gift card. I knew that I wanted to spend it on some business/entrepreneurial books instead of design books because I personally think their selection is lacking in that department. For a while, I was a little in denial as to whether or not I even needed business books. I've always been more about doing things the trial & error/by experience kind of thing, but I think I need to start taking things a little more seriously and make fewer errors. As a result, I bought two things that are quite the unlikely pair.

Bananagrams – I love boards games (although this one is boardless). I've always been a huge fan of Scrabble and for a while, I was also an avid Words with Friends player. I've heard some many good things about Bananagrams that I finally caved in and got it. It was between this of the classic edition of Life. But I knew more people would be more inclined to play this with me than they would Life. Most people I know find Life extremely depressing (both the game and real life).
The Art of the Start by Guy Kawasaki – I probably only bought this book for two reasons: Guy is a name I'm familiar with because he has been mentioned by people I follow AND his association with Apple. I'm totally going to be reading this on my flight to New York at the end of this week. I have 5.5hrs to kill going there and then 6hrs to kill coming back, so I hope I'll manage to get through at least half of it on the plane. And I hope to get over at least some of my fears of starting after getting through this book.